Friday, February 4, 2011

Update! :P

Flight Mileage: 13,124
Fast Food Stops: too many.
Recruitments: 4
Colonizations: 1
Snow Sightings: small pile in South Carolina, TONS in Kansas!

Washburn University - Alpha Mu
This was a much smaller campus than I was used to at K-State. The women were just wonderful and very intelligent! We had great conversation about things that I don't usually talk about. It was refreshing to spend time with them and to be able to offer my expertise where they needed it. I assisted with Officer Training and presented new ideas to the chapter for various events that they just ate up!

One of the perks of having this job is that I get all of the breaks that the students get! I was able to go home to Florida for Thanksgiving for a whole week. I had Thanksgiving dinner with my family and then again with Troy's family... it was yummy! 
I was also home for Troy's birthday <3 After my Thanksgiving break I flew back out to K-State to help them get the hang of running chapter meetings by themselves and then I was able to go home for an entire month for the winter holidays! I spent a lot of time with friends and family, which was great because I haven't been able to see them a lot in the past few months. I even got to see family from Indiana!! 

Southwestern University - Lambda
My visit to Lambda was to help out with recruitment and I truly had a blast during my stay there. The president set me up in her room in her apartment, which I thought was the nicest thing ever! She lived in a cute little place with the kitchen and living room downstairs and two bedrooms upstairs. It reminded me of my best friend's home in Maryland. I have really wanted to visit one of the chapters in Texas just because the ZTA legacy is so strong there. I am lucky that I got to visit two! Lambda is one of the earliest chapters and it was really cool to see old books and photos of the founders before they were really organized.
One of the photos is of me on one of the Pirate Bikes on campus. There are tons of them and you just ride any of them anywhere and leave them outside for the next person to take wherever they need to go! The other photo is of some of the Lambda ladies on Bid Day!

Texas State - Theta Psi 

I wasn't with this chapter for very long - I was simply there for officer transitions and to offer any assistance that the new officers may have needed. I was able to go to the EC Retreat, which was absolutely a blast! We had the usual discussions and asked all the same questions, but afterward we participated in team building exercises and those are my favorites of all time. We also played Catch Phrase at the end of the night, which could have lasted into the early morning!

Winthrop University - Theta Sigma
This chapter will always hold a special place in my heart. They have been through so much and have persevered through it all and ended up having an amazing recruitment. They are such strong individuals and have such a passion for ZTA that opened my eyes to what sisterhood truly means. It was with this chapter that I heard the news about Carisa and I truly believe that I was with them for a reason. They hardly knew me, but they were right by my side comforting me and offering anything that they could to be sure that I was going to be alright.

Kansas State University - Beta Upsilon
Back to Kansas! Oh how I love the Beta Upsilon ladies! I am so proud of their progress and all the wonderful things that they plan to do on this campus. It is just the beginning of the semester and they are ready to introduce their spring new member class :) I am working with the recruitment chair and new member educator on the basics since they have never done anything like this before! It is amazing how quickly they have caught on and understand the ins and outs of ZTA.

Until next time, 

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