Saturday, October 16, 2010

"Sisterhood is not a destination, but a journey."

Flight Mileage: 6,007
Fast Food Stops: 50+
Recruitments: 2
Colonizations: 1

Georgia Southern - Zeta Xi

I couldn't have asked for a more perfect first visit. I learned so much from the Zeta ladies at GSU and they really set the bar high for the rest of my visits! They were so fun and welcoming and treated me as though I were royalty \^^^/ I only spent one week with Zeta Xi during recruitment, but I will never forget the memories we made, the friends I gathered and the laughter we shared!

East Carolina - Iota Rho

I was very nervous to visit ECU because one TLC from my chapter (who is amazing beyond belief) had visited the year before and one of the transfer members of my chapter came from Iota Rho so I had some big shoes to fill! I met the president at the airport and easily picked her out of the crowd with her beautiful Zeta smile and turquoise tee. We stuffed my suitcases into the car and chatted the entire way to the house like we were bff's. Little did I know at the time, we were practically the same person and she is someone that I continue to keep in touch with! When we got to the house, which is beautiful beyond belief (I am biased because I am obsessed with the Carolinas), I got a tour and met a lot of the other sisters.
During our recruitment workshop I got to get to know the chapter and learned a lot about them, but I also learned a lot about my own chapter, Kappa Tau, back home at FGCU and all of the things they had done for me. I have become content with the person that I am and pleased that I have had the opportunities, through Zeta, to grow as an individual and to further my leadership abilities into the world. I really felt like I was in the right place and that my presence at ECU had a purpose. That purpose was to help these women prepare for a new member class whose lives would be forever changed by the endless possibilities that Zeta Tau Alpha has to offer.
I spent two weeks at Iota Rho and another TLC, Brittany, met me there after one week. This made it almost impossible to leave! I had formed such strong bonds with the members and the advisors and Brittany was a familiar face that I didn't want to leave; however, my next stop was colonization at Kansas State University and I was very excited to be able to take part in the project.

K-State - Beta Upsilon

Eight out of eighteen TLC's were flown to K-State from across the United States to gather women that were interested in Zeta Tau Alpha - "The new sorority on campus." We met at McAlister's to discuss what the next two weeks would entail and listened intently to Kat explain the different events with straws, bowls and drinks (for those visual learners... me :D) We were a little shaky on the details at the end of our pow wow, but very confident in the fact that the eight of us were going to start a new chapter at K-State and it was going to be successful.
We planned for two weeks of PR where we walked around on campus and talked to the students about our recruitment events coming up and asked for help finding those women that were interested. The first week focused on the ZTA experience and was Zeta has to offer it's members and the second week was focused around Zeta's philanthropy, breast cancer awareness and education, and all of our efforts to raise funds for the cause both locally and nationally. There were many more women that showed interest than we had planned, which was very exciting because we felt a sense of accomplishment even before we got our new members!
Infoviews and recruitment followed the two weeks of PR and they were very fun! The week flew by and we introduced our entire new member class on September 16, 2010. Only one month has passed by and they are loving ZTA and getting to know one another and everything that ZTA has to offer them. We had the New Member Retreat today, which was a challenge ropes course, and we all had a blast! We are currently working on the Homecoming project with our partners FarmHouse and Kappa Sigma and we are planning for Initiation and Reactivation in another month.

In the midst of all this Zeta-ness I did get to go home to Florida for one week and visit with friends and family! My parents and Troy met me at the airport (Troy brought me the most gorgeous bouquet of red roses!) and we met my brother and his girlfriend at Outback for dinner. Troy and I went to Ft Myers the next day and hung out with friends and some of my Zeta sisters. We went to Sarasota one night and ate dinner at Troy's dad's restaurant and watched the sunset on the beach. We spent the next day in Bradenton in the backyard with my family and Lindsay just hanging out by the pool, playing cornhole and cooking out. We made s'mores at the Ben Franklin (dad's outside stove lol)! The following day was the Founder's Day Celebration for Kappa Tau in Ft Myers and I was lucky enough to have my break fall over that weekend and I was able to attend and see my chapter sisters and all of the new members!! It was an amazing week and I had so much fun <3

Although I am so far away from my friends and family in Florida, I know that I am doing great things for Zeta Tau Alpha here in Kansas and wouldn't trade my time here with the new members of Beta Upsilon for anything.

Until next time,

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